"Efter massakern kom föräldrar till brandstationen för att söka efter och förenas med sina barn. De som inte kunde hitta sina barn fick besked av guvernören Ray Malloy att de inte skulle göra det."
"18 futures, 18 personalities, 18 beautiful children. Kids that aren't making it home tonight, or couldn't see the amazing presents their parents bought them.. Can you imagine what they are going through? The people who shot those children then turned AROUND AND KILLED THEMSELVES? I hope they fucking rot in hell, those selfish pieces of shit. They have serious mental issues. If they were gonna kill themselves, i wish they would of done it BEFORE they killed those children, excuse my language but this is the most horrible thing i've ever read, and the saddest thing I could imagine. I hope I never have to expirence something like this in my entire life, nor my childrens when I have them."
Fyfan! Jag kan inte ens fatta att man kan va så psykiskt störd och göra något sånt.